Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Creative Writing: A Ball Of Yarn

(Note: This is a "Creative Writing Prompt") THE CHALLENGE In 250 words, write from the point of view of a ball of yarn being chased by a cat. MY OUTCOME While I was lying in our wicker basket side by side with my brothers and sisters, I was dreaming of my transformation. At the moment I was just a simple red ball of yarn, but our destiny was to become part of something beautiful. And soon I will be a part of a scarf. Our mistress was knitting a wonderful scarf with colors of the rainbow. Stripes...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Writing Exercise 02: Freewriting

(Note: This is a unit of "Schreibaufgabe.de") THE CHALLENGE Let you inspire by the following sentence and write ten minutes without pause. If you don't have any idea, then write ten minutes your name or write "I have no idea." or anything else. It doesn't matter what you write, spelling mistakes are unimportant, just write, whatever comes into your mind. Just write! On your pencils, get set, go: "The warm summer wind twitched on her hair." MY OUTCOME Haven't I written a similar sentence in the...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Writing Exercise 01: Plot Fireworks

(Note: This is a unit of "Schreibaufgabe.de") THE CHALLENGE A little plot: "Jane and Matt made an arrangement to met at café 'Divan' in the afternoon. Jane takes the bus, Matt is walking. They meet, share a piece of pie and drink a coffee (both of them). After an hour they say goodbye and go back home." Well, that's all. Quite boring, isn't it? To make this plot more exciting, find 30 problems, at least, that could occur in this little story. MY OUTCOME Jane comes late, she has missed her bus. ...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Quiz: Which Crazy Writer Are You?

(Note: This is a quiz of "ROFLquiz.com") to Dolly's Blog: Writer Revealed MY RESULT is Tom Wolfe: Ah, the life of a wall flower. You get to hang out with the most interesting people - radio DJs, hot rodders, hippies, Hell's Angels, Wall Street tycoons, frat boys - and are completely happy putting them into the spotlight. You're completely happy hanging back with your martini and your little notebook, jotting down all your little observations, in sight but out of mind. Sure, everyone...

Friday, April 09, 2010

Writing Exercise 00: To Write A Beginning

(Note: This is a unit of "Schreibaufgabe.de") THE CHALLENGE What could be better for the first task than to write a beginning? So, write the beginning of a short story or a book or a scene, whatever. Take care, that the beginning is exciting. Imagine, someone in a bookstore strolls through the bookshelves, takes your book and reads the first lines. The beginning has to be so gripping, that this person has to take the book to the cash desk. Write as much as you like, but I would recommend not more...
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