Read more on the NaNo-FAQs:
I tell you, when you finally cross that 50.000 words margin, you truly experience one of that magic moments. You're so proud, that you've really made it and feel like the writing king of the world! Then you get not only rewarded with a wonderful winner certificate, but also with an amazing basic draft of your work, with you can very well continue working ... that's worth all the stress and the pain. Because NaNo is not only a blessing, but also a damn curse.
At least, that's my experience. Okay, I've only participated once last year in 2010, but within those 30 days I've lived through both: heaven and hell. If you want to know the whole insane roller coaster ride, you'd like to read those:
- NaNo Writing Month
There wasn't any full moon I could blame. Maybe I was still disorientated because... - The First Week With NaNo
All right, here we are, the first week of NaNo Writing Month is over. Let's make a short pause and muse a little... - Week Two With NaNo
On my honor, I've never consumed any illegal drugs in my whole life. But I'd made the acquaintance... - NaNo, Lucky Number 3?
I don't think so! Third NaNo-week started with a blast, with one of writer's worst case scenario... - Week Four With NaNo
I made a little NaNo-writing-break ... to write. How crazy is that?... - Official NaNo Winner
In my opinion, every writer should at participate least once! See you in November 2011?
I love the way you've included posts that you wrote during NaNo with this!
Last year's NaNo I was on day 5, around 10,000 words, and suddenly changed my mind completely about my NaNo novel. I took a day off to seriously think about it and then started a brand new novel on day 7. I still can't believe that managed to catch up and win with the new idea.
I plan to be there this year! Soon after I started blogging in September of 2009 I heard of NaNo and decided that it was something I had to try. I am so thrilled that I did. I had started a few novels in the past and never got very far, but this time I had a healthy start to one.
In 2010 it was even better. It was easier since I had a better idea of what I was doing and I was more into the story.
I don't want to miss this next one and hopefully I will eventually have something ready for submission.
Tossing It Out
Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge
*ggg* It's all about advertising, isn't it?
*wow* Carol! I'm impressed you did that! I had some problems with a little computer crash and a lost document ... horrible! But to do that voluntarily ... can't find words for it! Respect! *hats-off*
Lee, you're right! A good idea for NaNo is half of the work. I knew back then, that my story is okay, but I wasn't sure, if it's enough for so many words. After 50.131 words I was happy to see, that I haven't finished my story AND have notes in my script for unwritten scenes! That was amazing!
I think, my participation for this year's NaNo will be a last minute desicion. Last year this strategy worked out really well! :-)
I've done NaNoWriMo the last two years and thought it was great. Well, all right, there were some days when I was tearing out my hair but by the end of it, I loved it.
I agree every writer should try it at least once.
I joined up last year, but it was during my final exams. So I'll definitely have to try again this year. :-)
ha..ha...you are addicted now. See you at Nano 2011
Dolly, I still try to deny that ... at the moment I'm successful with that, but I wouldn't count on my when November is finally here! :-)
M.J.Fifield @ Misha: See you then at NaNo! *g*