Sometimes I'm surprised by myself which books have found their way on my favorite book list. Just like 'I'm Off Then: Losing and Finding Myself on the Camino de Santiago: My Journey Along the Camino de Santiago' by HaPe Kerkeling.
I love this utterly frank and engaging book. HaPe has a wonderful entertaining style to fill his travelogue with unforgettable characters and historic landscapes, and his self-deprecating humor is unique. This is one of a kind, where the audio book is even better than the printed version!
A writer's pilgrimage
Isn't writing like a pilgrimage?When you start you can't be sure, if you reach the finish line or not. On good days you'll walk in beautiful landscapes, where you can make a long distance. On other days there'll be hills, rather easy to cross, but you'll also be confronted with big mountains, that cause you sore muscles, headaches and sleepless nights. You'll have to invest a lot of effort and energy to reach the mountain top, but when you're finally there, you'll be so proud and have an amazing view.
You'll meet some interesting people supporting you with good advices and helpful critiques. But be sure, there'll be also some idiots! Just ignore them and continue walking!
On your way you'll also get much closer to another person: yourself! You'll explore parts of your personality and maybe discover abysses you'll never expect. In the end you'll have collected a lot of new experiences, maybe even an epiphany. And hopefully you can say then, your pilgrimage was all the way worth!
What's your pilgrimage like?
Bumpy and constantly changing directions. Since I have no destination in mind I am just wandering around seeing where it takes me.
Well, Dafeenah, sometimes 'The journey is the destination'!