![]() | 30 Days Of Writing Questions 04. Tell us about one of your first stories/characters! |
Once upon a time there was a girl in primary school, who had to write a fairy tale for homework. But instead of inventing her own story, she simply took the best of her favorite fairy tales, mixed it up and created this way a new one.
Yeah, that girl was me! You might call me a smart girl, because I hadn't used parts of the 'common' fairy tales. These days, on every special event I got a book from my neighbor, she worked at a publishing house, with fairy tales from another countries. So, I used a imprisoned maiden here and a young hero on his adventurous journey there, mixed it up with some fantastic creatures and magical tokens, and finally some heavy obstacles, where the hero had to use the tokens. Of course, not to forget the end with 'They lived happily ever after'. And voila, we have one of the first stories I remember.
One of my first characters was a cat prince. There was that illustration of a ball, neatly dressed cat couples dancing while the prince was sitting on his throne overlooking everything. But I guess, even he was inspired by 'Puss in Boots'.
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