Sunday, August 19, 2012

A-Z, Epilogue.

In R for Reputation you've got familiar with the car metaphor what happens with our brain during the depression and in the meantime in altogether 26 letters you've got to read a lot about me, my emotions, my struggles, my thoughts, everything that concerns my life in depression. First and above all I've written those posts for myself. It's like my own documentation of my stay in the clinic and everything that was important for me. Second, I've written for my friends all over the world. The advantage...

Friday, August 17, 2012

A-Z, Z for 3-2-1-Zero.

'Cos I've seen blue skies through the tears in my eyes and I realize  I'm going home.  From Rocky Horror Picture S...

A-Z, Y for Yin Yang.

Hmm... in lack of any idea, what to write here with this wonderful catchword, let's better bring it to an end, what do you thin...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

A-Z, X for X-Files.

X-File Depression: Closed (for no...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A-Z, W For Weapon.

First I thought about symptoms that could and did occur while depressions and other information, but that all was already wonderfully done in Wikipedia (->Depression). Frankly speaking that idea for this post didn't go well off hand. I couldn't find the right words - again, maybe now coming to an end, I'm simply out of words. That for I decided to just leave it at that. Period. Oh, maybe just one word to W for Weapon: Our most powerful weapon against prejudices and depression itself are...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A-Z, V For Victory.

Veni, Vidi, Vici. - I came, I saw, I played some games and I won - well, sometimes. When you're feeling better - Thank God I do - you do almost everything for time to go by. Among others a spare time activity is playing games. I favor card games like 'Skip-Bo' and board games like 'Mensch Aergere Dich Nicht' (=Ludo/Parcheesi) or Rummy, which is a variation of Romme only with plastic bricks instead of cards. Anyway, here you're in the lucky position that most of the time another player is around,...

Monday, August 13, 2012

A-Z, U For Unique.

First I went for U for Universe in order to write about my dream/phantasy world versus the real world. I sat in front of my concept book and no words came out. Obviously it wasn't the right time to think about this topic. So, I decided to chose another catch word: In J for Joker I've mentioned Art Therapy. Today I want to tell you a little more about it. The room was just the way I imagine a place for being creative. Light and open, with lots of space for only a limited group of people. Shelves...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A-Z, T For Tangram.

Do you know Tangram? A puzzle with just 7 pieces, which can be arranged in countless combinations, from people to animals over objects and houses to simple geometric forms, which are the most difficult by the way! It happens to be that I somehow feel like a Tangram. The pieces are there and familiar, I'm just not sure about the outcome ... What will the final form be? Or is it just like Tangram, that the form is variable? That I am variable, because everything is changing at the moment?...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

A-Z, S For Single.

Frankly speaking I've never given much thought of that single-or-couple-thing. I was most of my life single. Period. I've never doubted this status, I lived my life and was happy just the way it was - with 1% exception on special occasions or holidays like Christmas, where you wished to have someone special. I was always satisfied with just myself... Should I consider it as good or bad sign that I do care now about my status as single?! Or is why does it care at all at the moment the better...

Friday, August 10, 2012

A-Z, R For Reputation.

Why is it so important what others think of me? How (if so) do I explain where I currently am and what's going on with me? Why can I accept on others that depressions are an illness? Why do I think that my own depression is nothing but my own weakness, my own fault, the result of being unable to live my life? btw: I should have used them for the letter Q - these are a lot of questions! And another one: Why do we set different standards on others than on ourselves? - I don't know. I do. And...

Thursday, August 09, 2012

A-Z, Q For Question.

K/C childish, knight, cat owner, communicative A artist, author, adventurer, afraid R realist, reader I individuum, idealistic, intelligent, India fan, ironic N narrator, nice E egoist, empath I integer, intrepidly, interesting/interested D dreamer, different, diplomatic, depressive E energetic, extraordinary, enthusiastic, erratic R rider, real, riddler, romantic And think about it: ...a lots mo...
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