Thursday, May 31, 2012

Genuine Inspiration - A Rush Of Writing.

It's strange in those weird days, somehow my mind seems kind of overproductive. Currently I work on various projects: A-Z Apocalypse.  Dream Diary.  My novel 'Neighborhood Cats: The Secret of the Moonstone'.  ArtJournaling incl. WTJ.  Writing letters to my dearest friends. Actually you can add a No. 6 with extra blogposts like this one here! This time I want to report about a phenomenon I experienced with No. 3 of my list. Last weekend I finished the prologue, how everything...

Biro Doodles For Creativity.

This is what I do when I need a little break while writing. A few minutes now and then and a biro ... in the end your first and your last concept book pages look like the...

Friday, May 18, 2012

A-Z, E For Eyes.

When I was done with that picture (08-2007) I named it 'Indian Ocean'. Don't ask why or what for I painted it the way it is - frankly speaking I don't know! But it's pretty obvious that I love the sea and I'm obsessed with eyes, am I not? It's said 'Eyes are the Portal to your Soul.' I totally agree with that. I prefer literally to have an 'eye-to-eye' conversation because very often eyes can tell you so much more than just words or gestures. Or in the other case the eyes don't say anything...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A-Z, D For Daemon.

First of all, since reading (watching) the book 'Northern Lights' (AKA the movie 'The Golden Compass') by Philip Pullman I like the word 'daemon' and the way it's written. I like the imagination to see my inner spirit in form of an animal walking right next to my side. A friend and I had already discussed what kind of animal our own daemon would be. In my case - and I'm pretty sure about that - it would be a predatory feline, a black panther or an Indian tiger or a snow leopard maybe. Anyway,...

Monday, May 14, 2012

A-Z, C For Captivity.

Frankly speaking, I've never experienced true captivity in the meaning of imprisonment. And being grounded as a teenager can't hardly be counted herein, right folks? Okay, I've seen a few documentaries but I won't neither discuss nor play down how harsh, cruel even violent life behind bars can be. I just dare to make a few simple statements: It's always in the person's own responsibility to be punished, no matter what reason for. The freedom is only a matter of time and/or a good lawyer and/or...

Friday, May 11, 2012

A-Z, B For Bucket List.

It fills me with guilt to know that some of my friends were and still are worried - totally with justice. Shame on me! But you know, even in my darkest hours there was always that little light ... no, not light! Light would be the wrong word. Too exaggeratedly! Let's better call it ... hmm, let me think ... I guess I like 'glimmer'. There was that glimmer of the wish to hope that maybe one day - and I don't know, when exactly this day might be - the light will have returned and the sun will...

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

A-Z, A For Apocalypse.

21 December 2012 - due day for the apocalypse according to the Mayan Calendar. Very visually dynamic shown what could/should/would happen then in Roland Emmerich's movie '2012'. But what if an apocalypse doesn't concern the whole mankind but only one single person - would the impact be more or less worse? And what if this one single person is yourself? Some of you might have heard me saying 'Two Souls are beating in my Chest'. That's true, that's what I am. Actually even by birth. I'm born...

Sunday, May 06, 2012

A-Z Blogging Challenge 2012.

First of all: Sorry for my being absent for quite a while without leaving a note. But now I'm back writing and emailing and blogging. I know, I missed the regular time for the 'A-Z Blogging Challenge 2012', but I really do love this competition very much that I want to do it now. Better late than never, right? When you do something for the first time, you can see it like an experiment, like trying a new tool or gadget. You can put it in your hands, see if it feels good and what you can use it...
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