Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Glue A Random Page From A Newspaper Here.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") Well, this is kind of a mixed-media-chaos-collage of different riddles (out of newspapers!). I used watercolors (background, writing), soft pastel chalks (lines), glitter glue, ink (handwriting) and some golden stickers. Voila: A big mish-ma...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

To all those wonderful people out there: May joy and happiness snow on you, may the bells jingle for you and may Santa be extra good to you!  Merry Christmas! --- Maybe some of you can remember, where I got the inspiration for my this year's Christmas cards. It came right form my 'Wreck This Journal': Find A Way To Wear The Journal. Working with the rhinestones is a little delicate, but the outcome is just gorgeous. Have a look! The outside:Cut out a piece of paper, a little smaller than...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

One-Minute-Writer: Week 50 & 51

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, December-13: Decoration. Write about a holiday decoration that holds particular meaning for you. I have two little, very neat holders for tea candles. I bought one, the other my Mom at the Christmas market in Salzburg/Austria three years ago. The last one before she died, so these two objects are very precious for me. Tuesday, December-14: Holiday. It's your job to create a new holiday, one that will be observed worldwide. What...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday-Fill-In: #204

(Note: Thanks to "Friday Fill-Ins") What in the world am I doing here to start a new series? Having my Christmas meal in mind, I hope afterwards everybody is well fed. Go away, snow! Almost all my Christmas presents and cards are sent and I hope they receive on time. I keep dreaming of a green Christmas under palm trees. This is my first Friday-Fill-In, believe it or not. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to continue reading my BDB-book, tomorrow my plans include shoveling snow...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Glue In A Page From A Magazine. Circle The Words You Like.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") The article, published in ISHQ Magazin 03/2008, was about the actor Shah Rukh Khan visiting the "Berlinale Film Festival", the bear is the festival mascot. My first try doing something like Art Journaling. For the background: Dabbing with a natural sponge and 3 colors. I used some embroideries/borders as a pattern and again dabbing with the sponge and the darkest of the 3 colo...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

One-Minute-Writer: Week 49

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, December-06: Book. Write about a book you were given as a gift, or a book you gave as a gift. You don't have coincidentally the inspiration for this prompt from my Saturday's post?!? Anyway, besides 'Der Trotzkopf' (The stubborn) there were a lot of other books I connect with precious memories, like the Duden Encyclopedia and World History For Children, both gifts from my Grandpa. I wasn't only a stubborn but also a very curious...

Sunday, December 05, 2010

One-Minute-Writer: Week 48

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, November-29: Math. Come up with a mathematical formula to express something you know/believe. Example: Long Saturday run + Frappuccino = Happiness. 1. Nov-30 + 50.000 words = NaNo Winner 2. Me = Nov-30 + 50.000 words 3. Me = NaNo Winner?! Tuesday, November-30: Recover. Write about a time you recovered from something...or recovered something. From tomorrow on I won't touch my NaNo-novel! My eyes are almost blind from staring...

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Writing Exercise 12: I, You, He, She, It - Perspectives

(Note: This is a unit of "Schreibaufgabe.de") THE CHALLENGE Talking about 'perspectives' means from which point of view your reader experiences the story. Imagine the following situation: "Three persons are somewhere in the wilderness sitting around a campfire. They'd been walking all day long and the next day is going to be similarly exhausting. They've just finished their meal and are now sharing a joint." Try different, maybe unusual, perspectives: Describe the scene from the point of view of...
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