Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Quiz: How fast can you type?

Stefanie! :-) BLOG: Funny's Happy-Housewife-Blog MY RESULS: 74 Wörter 68 wo...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Make A Mess. Clean It Up.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") I've always wanted one page with a puzzle theme, but it seemed to fit nowhere in. Then accidently I stumbled over these Mini Puzzles, which had exactly the right size for the book. Lucky me! :-) I fixed both with a looot of glue on separate pieces of paper, but I haven't glued them IN the book yet. I'll do that when everything else is done, because the puzzles take simply too much pla...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

One-Minute-Writer: Week 25

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, June-21: Point of view. Think about a time you were recently in public. Describe what you were doing, from the point of view of a stranger observing you. Day: 157. Place: A bookshop. Observed object: A female human. Time: 01:36 p.m. The human has just entered the place and goes straight to the moving stairs for the upper floor. Despite the impression, the female knows what she's doing or wanting, she just strolls around without...

Friday, June 25, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Glue, Staple Or Tape These Pages Together.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") Two layers of paper: 1. Layer: Covered with three different red watercolors. 2. Layer: Ripped apart, colored with skin-color, stapled together and glued on the first paper. Then plaster, freckles, piercing and tattoo added. Finally: a bit of blood - Done! ...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Color This Entire Page.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") I used the "Drown" from the German instruction "Drown This Page In Color." for the Underwater theme, plus some Beatles Yellow Submarine desi...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

One-Minute-Writer: Week 24

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, June-14: Broken. Write about a time you broke something. Do you know the sound a dry piece of wood makes cracking it over your knee? When I heard it in my dreams, I woke up in shock and fear, heavily breathing. I had to focus back on reality, that this awful accident was over. You wonder, what I'm talking about? Cracking wood sounds exactly like breaking bones! My bones! Tuesday, June-15: This moment. Write about one thing you'd...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Lose This Page./Give Away Your Favorite Page.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") A picture of the original lost page: The text says, that HELLO "Wreck This Journal" KITTY was released for good behavior from THE BOOK, but asked to leave the state for her crimes. The person, who finds her, should give her a new home, but keep an eye on her. My "Lost Page" has become my "Most Favorite Page" and gifted to my dear friend Stefanie - SHE's a fan of Hello Kitty! The background on the left is pretty easily done: only colored...

Writing Exercise 06: Developing Characters

(Note: This is a unit of "Schreibaufgabe.de") THE CHALLENGE To make a plot thrilling or at least interesting, your characters should want something. There also had to be (open and hidden) conflicts, means very often novels have protagonists and antagonists. When your hero has some flaws and your villain some nice qualities, your reader will be even more taken. The difficulty is NOT to tell your reader everything, that would be boring. You show through scenes what your characters want, and there...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Fill This Page With Circles.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") The German instruction "Draw Your Circles." was simply too seductive NOT to chose that Alien and Crop Circles theme! HOW TO: - The background is made with three different water colors, very little water. - The crop circles and the tractor traces are made with Stabilos (thin felt-tip pens). - The green alien on top was separately made and then glued on the pa...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

One-Minute-Writer: Week 23

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, June-07: Mentor. Write about someone you have mentored or someone who has mentored you. *smile-on-my-face* I never forget my beloved Mum, who had taught her stubborn little child how to read! The clever girl had learnt every word by heart instead of truly reading them. I don't want to think what might have happened with me and my life, if my Mom hadn't discovered my little "secret". I love you, Mum! Tuesday, June-08: Sound switch....

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Bring This Book In The Shower With You.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") After my experience washing this other page, I did NOT want to take my book near any other water damages! So, what else could be done? I finally came up with the idea to simply quote a cartoon by Loriot (a famous German comedian, AKA Vicco von Buelow). In the original, it’s a cute, little, yellow squeaky bath duck, that has to stay o...

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Last Page.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") Starting with an Indian Goddess, the only logical conclusion was to end with an Indian God: "Ganesh...

Wreck This Journal: First Page.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") The subtitle of the book says "Creating is Destroying", that made me think of the Indian Goddess "Kali". I used a full colored picture as pattern, but the black-and-white-interpretation is all my work! ...

Wreck This Journal: Cover Makeover.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") A little Makeover, inspired by my most favorite journals "Paperblanks". Additional Note: I have to re-do the cover - the book is getting thicker than I've expect...

One-Minute-Writer: Week 22

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, May-31: Too late. What was the last time you stayed up way too late? Was it worth it? The last time I stayed up late was for reading "Lover Mine". I had expected this book like a child Christmas Eve. So, I HAD to read and know how the story continues. Believe me, it was so worth staying up late! Tuesday, June-01: Lie. Write about one of the more ridiculous lies you've heard. Calendar says it's June, weather forecasts finally...

Friday, June 04, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Make A Paper Air Plane.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") Thanks to Youtube for those wonderful "How to make a paper air plane"-instructio...

Wreck This Journal: Scratch. Using A Sharp Object.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") Every "can opener" knew their cats love to scratch on everything available - why not on books! =^....

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Confessions Of A Writaholic, Part 1

Hello, my name is Sheila and I am a Writaholic. Naturally I had sometime learnt reading and writing. My poor teachers were never happy with me, they called me lazy. I didn't agree. They demanded 500 words, they got exactly 500 words. Not a single word more! I simply didn't like to write. When electronic gadgets became common, I didn't fancy for a computer. Why should I? I didn't want to email. I didn't want to chat. Okay, I loved my cell, I could hang on for hours and hours. But I did NOT text!...

Wreck This Journal: Add Your Own Page Numbers.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") On this page are some hidden messages, taken from "Hitchhiker's Guide To Galax...

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Crack The Spine/Leave This Page Blank On Purpose.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") With a snapshot of my own, most favorite bookshe...

Wreck This Journal: Tear Stripes, Rip It Up.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") A nice little collection of gift ribbo...
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