Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Wreck This Journal: Color Outside The Lines.

Sometimes I'm quite surprised, what weird/funny/different things my brain produces! In any case, WTJ is very inspiring! Almost instantly I've seen the moon in that circle and for quite some time I intended to make a city skyline ... but after using that idea for WTJ: Cut Through Several Layers. I had to change that. I finally came up with some romantic beach scene! Alo...

Monday, May 30, 2011

One-Minute-Writer: Practice

Saturday, May 4, 2011Practice: Write about something in your life that you've put a lot of time into practicing. FOR "I'm a perfectionist, but as we all know, life isn't always perfect. I'm still practicing to accept imperfection, see the beauty in chaos and enjoy the possibilities of spontaneit...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday-Fill-In: 2011-21

This week I re-discovered one more time my fascination for Stephen King books. The horror returns. It's all about to find that inner part, that makes the hair in your neck crinkle. He makes you wanting to look behind you if someone is following you, even in the sun. I demand ...what? Stop reading his books? I wished I could, but... Once started you simply have to follow his path, it's filled with addictive words! And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to reading how Paul Sheldon escapes...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

WQ-18. Favorite Antagonist.

30 Days Of Writing Questions 18. Favorite antagonist and why! Like last week, where the question was about the Favorite Protagonist, I'd like to extend the question a second time. FAVORITE ANTAGONISTS TO READLash, Son of Omega The Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward He was the first I had instantly to think on. His character has everything I hate about a person: he's arrogant, a show off because of his wealth, cruel to others for no good reason and simply disgusting! I didn't like...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Wreck This Journal: Draw Lines With Your Pen. Smear The Lines.

Like so many times before I found my own way to follow the instructions: I moistened the page with water (my own spit wouldn't have been enough *g*). Then on the wet page I simply draw lines with ink. And voila: Groovy 70th-Hippies-look! PEACE! ...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday-Fill-In: 2011-20

I see the love when I look into your eyes. We belonged together, I knew that from scratch. They begin registering that irrevocable love in the moment they saw us together. I wished we'd met so many years earlier. This I know: You bewitched my body and soul and I love, love, love you. I wish to tell you something special tonight, so please accept my invitation for dinner. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a cold drink and some chitchat with my buddies, tomorrow my plans include...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

WQ-17. Favorite Protagonist.

30 Days Of Writing Questions 17. Favorite protagonist and why! I know these questions are supposed to be about writing, but I'm free to extend my answer a little to make it more interesting: FAVORITE PROTAGONISTS TO READEdmond Dantes The Count of Monte Christo by Alexandre Dumas I've just finished rereading the book, so it's the freshest in my mind. Frankly speaking, the first time I had quite some problems, I was confused by all those different names, titles and disguises for/of the same person...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wreck This Journal: Collect The Stamps Off Of All Your Mail.

After the shocking weekend disaster with my missing blog, I'm getting back to business as usual! *sigh* Took me a while to finish that page ... but *sing* with a little help form my friends *end-sing* I could finally complete it! Yeah! Thanks a lot to all those wonderful people! The stamps are from 4 countries: US, UK, Malaysia and (most of them) Germany! ... and my most favorite then? *thinking* I guess it's The Poor Poet Sta...

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday-Fill-In: 2011-19

I know unconsciously, but now it's official how much I'm addicted to blogs! I try to remember life before internet and blogs ... was there something like a life if at all possible? This weather has been great for having the first BBQ of the year this weekend. This might distract me from my online obsession ... just a little! My internet addiction seems to be kind of a problem. I'm really happy I have the ability to live in the age of networks, blogs & co.! Please, give me some FFI, or something...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wreck This Journal: Make Prints Using A Ink Pad And Cut Vegetables.

A quick one, where the preparations took more time than the print! I used: A leaf Chinese cabbage, tomato, bell pepper, carrot, ginger and a cauliflower flor...

Monday, May 09, 2011

The Versatile Blogger Award

Some drum rolls, please! I've been given this wonderful award! THANKS SHEILA over at SHEILA SCRIBBLES! HERE'S WHAT YOU GOTTA DOThank and link back to the person that has given you this award. Share 7 things about yourself. Award blogs you feel deserve the award. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award. 7 THINGS ABOUT MYSELFI have one significant mark, a long scar on my right leg, where I broke my ankle. The second book of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series is my favorite - Rhage rocks! There...

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Writing Exercise 15: How Fables Can Help Your Characters

A fable is a succinct story, in prose or verse, that features animals, mythical creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature which are given human qualities, and that illustrates a moral. (by Wikipedia) Some might say, the time for fables is gone. But they can also be a wonderful tool to work out your own characters. In addition you can use the 'story's moral' as a guideline for working on your plot. The simplicity of fables makes you think over the basic structure of characters....

Friday, May 06, 2011

Friday-Fill-In: 2011-18

'Main Hoon Na' is my favorite Bollywood movie, because it's a great story with lots of fun, action, love and smashing songs, not to forget that Shah Rukh Khan is a blast! Go to page 45 of the book you're reading or of the book closest to you; go to the 6th paragraph and make a sentence out of 7 words from it: When we were in the south of castile, we'd tried a typical seafood dish including all the gourmet's desires, delicacies like langoustes and mussels. I am currently reading 'The Count Of Monte...

Thursday, May 05, 2011

ABC, Bonus: A-Z Favorite Booklist

For 26 days we'd tried to find alphabetical topics to write about. Some of us even had a theme. Mine was writing. When writing is one side of the medal, than reading is the other. No, I don't want to start the challenge all over again, I just want to find out, if my reputation as a passionate reader is justified. Can I make a A-Z list of my favorite books sorted by book title? If there's more than one choice for a letter, I've picked the most favorite book. Here's my A-Z FAVORITE BOOKLIST: The...

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

WQ-16. Romantic Relationships.

30 Days Of Writing Questions 16. Do you write romantic relationships? How do you do with those, and how "far" are you willing to go in your writing? The only romance you can find in my fairy tale writing is the kiss in the happy end. Everything very nice and innocent before they live happily ever after. Next, you don't even find a kiss when your main characters are cats. =^..^= And then there's my current big WIP. In this story my focus is more on adventure, fantasy and mystery. Also growing...

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Wreck This Journal: Glue In A Photo Of Yourself. Deface.

TRANSLATION OF THE LEFT PAGE: Name: Nofretiri Age: Unfortunately old enough for water, fire, scissors, light and other tools. Person: Human or Na'Vi or whatever? Caution: Subject might be armed with at least a pen and dangerous! Don't let her close to your journal! *hmm* I think the page speaks for itself! ;-) --- These are the pages I've used to deface myself: http://www.pikipimp.com/ http://obamiconme.pastemagazine.com/ http://reface.me/profile-pictures/avatarize-yourself/ Also...

ABC Challenge, Epilogue.

It slowly seems to become habit, that every time writing a A-Z blogpost I hear a certain song in my head. This time it's 'Time To Say Goodbye' by Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman: Yes, it is a Goodbye, but a bittersweet one, isn't it? At least for my part, my experiences were mostly positive! AMAZING PARTICIPANTSFrom the start I was intrigued by the idea of A-Z themes ... obviously not just me! Somewhere after 1.200 bloggers joining in the challenge I've lost track! That's mind blowing! With...

Monday, May 02, 2011

ABC, Z for Ziel (aim, goal, end, last chapter)

This is the end. Beautiful friend. This is the end. My only friend, the end. Of our elaborate plans, the end. Of everything that stands, the end. No safety or surprise, the end. I'll never look into your eyes...again. by The Doors - we've reached the last letter of the alphabet. 30 days ago, who had have thought, how fast the end is here. And with this last letter today we want to think a little about the last chapter in a book, the big finale, the end. In the Book Meme I've...

Sunday, May 01, 2011

ABC, V for Veni. Vidi. Vici?

eni. Vidi. Vici. - I came, I saw ... but did I conquer? Obviously not yet. The A-Z Challenge is almost over. Delete the 'almost'. It's 1st of May, veraciously it's officially over! And me? I'm still struggling with that vicious letter V! I veto! I'm not ready to vacate and go on well deserved vacation. This whole mission shouldn't have been in vain. I have to be valiant, stick to my values and vanquish the venomous thought! I have to verify the verifications and try some new varieties. It's me...
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