Sunday, October 31, 2010

One-Minute-Writer: Week 43

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, October-25: PR. Athletes are often chasing their next "PR" (Personal Record--e.g., that athlete's fastest marathon time.) What PR would you like to chase (athletic or otherwise)? I'd like to participate on the NaNo Writing Challenge coming in November. So, please, let me reach the demanded 50.000 words mark! Tuesday, October-26: Star. Finish this old rhyme with your own version of the last line: Star light, star bright, First...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Writing Exercise 11: Sources For Ideas

(Note: This is a unit of "") THE CHALLENGE Sometimes, life writes the best stories. Stories, where you think: "Well, I've never thought of THAT!" Newspapers are full of those little stories. They might not be global and spectacular, but perfectly for short stories. Like this one on the left side: "Woman survives parachute falling" Read the article, and imagine you are the woman. You've just hit on the street, your arm is broken, your leg, too. In the distance you might hear the...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Doodle Over Top Of This Page And In The Margins.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") This page is dedicated to the titular saint of my online avatar: Nofretiri AKA Nefertari, first wife of the great Pharaoh Ramses II. The hieroglyphs are copies from her tomb in the Valley of the Queens, with the only difference that the originals are much more beautiful, because they are fully colored! I used ink for the hieroglyphs - and btw: ink is an awful material to use on that pages - and soft pastel chalks for the backgrou...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

One-Minute-Writer: Week 42

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, October-18: Wrong. Look around you right now. What's wrong with this picture? It's already dark ... *sigh* ... I miss the summer and days with light evenings, sitting outside, enjoying the warmth, together with some friends, a cool drink and a nice barbecue! Tuesday, October-19: Ghostwriter. If you could be a ghostwriter (writing someone else's autobiography for them), for whom would you ghostwrite? *hmm* It already exists a...

Friday, October 22, 2010

My Writing Journey

(Note: This is my contribution to Dolly's guest post series.) I'm an owl. I like the night. Nights are quite and peaceful. During these late night hours my brain seems to be the most productive. I'm a bit nervous about that interview thing, so my dear friend Dolly had friendly agreed to do it on my terms. On a Friday night, about 11 p.m. Dolly enters the door to my private Room of Requirement. It seems to be a library, because of all the book shelves. To our right a huge glass front opens an amazing...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Write One Word Over And Over.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") ...with a little help from TTF! ;-) Used fonts (in alphabetical order): 101 Zebra Print, BD Renaissance, Bumbazoid, Carnivale, CrazyZoo, Christmas Lights Outdoor, DirtyBaker'sDozen, Fiolex Girls, Fish in the bathroom, LoopDeLoop, Mutlu, Never Writes Back, Olde English, OrnaMental, Prakrta, Romantic, Stiletto, Tolo ... and my own handwriting. Plus one passion-KAN...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

One-Minute-Writer: Week 41

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, October-11: Discovery. Write about a good discovery you've made (big or small!) Myself. It's surprising, what sometimes my body is capable of. It's amazing, which hidden talents suddenly break free. It's interesting, what different topics I'm obviously interested in. I'm the biggest quest for myself, to discover all the unknown sides of me. Okay, these discoveries are not all the time 'good', but always exciting! Tuesday, October-12:...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Press Leaves And Other Found Things.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") *hmm* What to say about this page??? 1. The oval with the quote is made on computer, printed out and glued on the page. And btw, the quote is: I look upon life as a book,and the people I love are like rose petalskept in between the pages.Each time I turn a page of my life,I find a rose petal, reminding me of beautiful moments.2. Another job for glue-impregnation. Covered the whole page with glue to protect the pages and conserve everything. 3....

Sunday, October 10, 2010

One-Minute-Writer: Week 40

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, October-04: Campfire. Write about a memory you have related to a campfire. (If you don't have any such memories, write about any fire-related memory.) I had completely forgotten that episode *lol*: Imagine four saucy teenage girls, a meadow at the gates of a little village and a tent. OMG, we hadn't had a glue of how to camp or how to light a campfire, but we were young, independent, full of energy ... and had a blast of a time! Tuesday,...

Friday, October 08, 2010

Writing Exercise 10: Plot Of Plots - A Hero's Journey, Part 2

(Note: This is a unit of "") THE CHALLENGE Let's continue the journey with steps 7 to 12. Remember the 3 options for each step. MY OUTCOME Again, I stuck with Corin's story and ignored the 3 options: 7. The heroine meets the enemies' helper and has to defeat them. Circumstances make Corin believe, that the mistress's daughter is her enemy, too. Accidentally she gets a letter of her in her hands. The analphabetic Corin of the past remembers the reading skills of her future self...

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Writing Exercise 09: Plot Of Plots - A Hero's Journey, Part 1

(Note: This is a unit of "") THE CHALLENGE "A Hero's Journey" is a plot, on which a lot of mythologies are based on. For sure, while following the steps of the basic structure, you'll remember a lot of books or films with a similar form. The task is to use the protagonist from Exercise 07 and plot steps 1 to 6. Each step should have 3 options, minimum! Okay, let's have look on the steps: MY OUTCOME Well, after writing the beginning of Corin's story, I decided to make her "Heroine's...

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Make A Sudden, Destructive, Unpredictable Movement With The Journal.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") As a matter of prudence, I "impregnated" the pages first with glue. After letting everything dry I give the pages a WAX treatment! Honestly, I thought the effect would have been better. Maybe if I'd used quality wax candles! I only used cheap little birthday letter candles to get all those different colors. But it's okay, for my taste it's really something destructive! What a mess!*ggg* Oh and btw: It's very breakable, too ... had to cover...

Monday, October 04, 2010

Writing Exercise 08: A Photo As Inspiration

(Note: This is a unit of "") THE CHALLENGE There are many possibilities to set ideas and creativity in motion. One is to use a picture. Write 1000 words to this picture. If you don't have any ideas, start with a description and then go with the flow. It doesn't matter, if the outcome is a story or not. After finishing your text, wait for at least two days. Then edit your text and mark the lines you like. Ignore the parts you don't like. MY OUTCOME I needed a while...

Sunday, October 03, 2010

One-Minute-Writer: Week 39

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, September-27: Tie. What feud, contest, or debate should be proclaimed a tie? I'd like to quote Hank, who wrote: Charlene was insistent. "It's a cravat!" "No, it's an ascot," said her brother. "Mom!" They yelled simultaneously. Showing her the picture, Eric asked, "What is this called?" Their mother looked at the picture and at each face expecting to be right. "It's a tie," she said. This is absolutely fantastic! *ggg* This...

Friday, October 01, 2010

Wreck This Journal: The Story Of The Ugly Little Book.

Once upon a time there was a little book in a book store. With its neat black cover and its clean white pages it was dreaming of how wonderful it would be to become one day someone's most favorite book. It was so excited when finally its new mistress took it with home. Soon all its dreams would come true. It would be read and it could stand proudly in a pretty book shelf between all its read brothers and sisters. But all its hopes and dreams were destroyed. Itself was being destroyed. Almost certainly...
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