Monday, February 28, 2011

FJC, Day-28: Knowledge.

Hello and welcome to our February Journaling Challenge. A project hosted by Dolly and myself. Each day during February, we'll post a specifically selected prompt. The only rule: DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING YOU WANT WITH IT. You can do an art journal page, drawing, writing, doodling, poetry, fiction, whatever you want. Last, but not least, here's the prompt of the day: ********And here's my outcome: Do people really know, that they share knowledge? Or are those things leaving their mouth just plain...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

FJC, Day-27: Story Spinner.

Hello and welcome to our February Journaling Challenge. A project hosted by Dolly and myself. Each day during February, we'll post a specifically selected prompt. The only rule: DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING YOU WANT WITH IT. You can do an art journal page, drawing, writing, doodling, poetry, fiction, whatever you want. And here's the prompt of the day: ********And here's my outcome: My second thought on that prompt was, that I would like to skip it ... I considered it too similar to 'Once Upon A Time.'...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

FJC, Day-26: On A Dark And Stormy Night.

Hello and welcome to our February Journaling Challenge. A project hosted by Dolly and myself. Each day during February, we'll post a specifically selected prompt. The only rule: DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING YOU WANT WITH IT. You can do an art journal page, drawing, writing, doodling, poetry, fiction, whatever you want. And here's the prompt of the day: On a dark and stormy night... The beginning might be a cliché, but the rest doesn't have to be. ********And here's my outcome: First of all, this isn't...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday-Fill-In: 2011-08

Ooooh, I love these sunny days, give you at least a little taste of the upcoming summer. Hypocrisy, I can't stand it! How the heck did I end up with so many words in my current writing project and I'm not even finished yet! Who had expected that? India is one of my favorite places to visit. I'm not a hypocrite, I'm not! It's a burger recipe by Rachel Ray I want to try that weekend, it has to be good. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to accompany some Jedi knights in 'Star Wars,...

FJC, Day-25: Quote.

Hello and welcome to our February Journaling Challenge. A project hosted by Dolly and myself. Each day during February, we'll post a specifically selected prompt. The only rule: DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING YOU WANT WITH IT. You can do an art journal page, drawing, writing, doodling, poetry, fiction, whatever you want. And here's the prompt of the day: Pick one or even more of your favorite quotes. Why are they your favorite? What do they do for you? ******** I've already made a WTJ-page with my most...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

FJC, Day-24: Roads.

Hello and welcome to our February Journaling Challenge. A project hosted by Dolly and myself. Each day during February, we'll post a specifically selected prompt. The only rule: DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING YOU WANT WITH IT. You can do an art journal page, drawing, writing, doodling, poetry, fiction, whatever you want. And here's the prompt of the day: What Road are you on? Would you rather be on another? Do you even know that you are on a road? ********And here's my outcome: Is it really just about...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

WQ-06. Writing Habits.

30 Days Of Writing Questions 06. Where are you most comfortable writing? At what time of day? Computer or good old pen and paper? Well, it all depends on what I'm writing. On the one side there is my novel writing, which I do exclusively on the computer. I can type 10-finger-blind, which allows me to have my eyes on the screen, to write, reread and think at the same time. When I feel the need to an urgent research I have an instant access to the internet or else I can leave a virtual note in...

FJC, Day-23: Change.

Hello and welcome to our February Journaling Challenge. A project hosted by Dolly and myself. Each day during February, we'll post a specifically selected prompt. The only rule: DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING YOU WANT WITH IT. You can do an art journal page, drawing, writing, doodling, poetry, fiction, whatever you want. And here's the prompt of the day: Do you welcome it? Do you fear it? Are you used to it? Have you gone through it? Or make it not about you. Make it about the world. About the life. About...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wreck This Journal: Doodling On An Envelope.

Whole title of that WTJ-page: "Pretend You Are Doodling On The Back Of An Envelope While On The Phone." I used a real envelope and doodled all my way along with a fine black Stabilo pen. The patterns are inspired by Indian Mehndi Designs. Without sounding pompous: I. LOVE. THIS. PAGE.!!! Luckily I've already given away my 'favorite' page! *gg* P.S. I've made this page long before my cover for the February Journaling Challen...

FJC, Day-22: Colors.

Hello and welcome to our February Journaling Challenge. A project hosted by Dolly and myself. Each day during February, we'll post a specifically selected prompt. The only rule: DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING YOU WANT WITH IT. You can do an art journal page, drawing, writing, doodling, poetry, fiction, whatever you want. And here's the prompt of the day: Have you ever wondered what the world would like without colors? Or what if you couldn't see? Colors are not just decorations - they are very much a part...

Monday, February 21, 2011

FJC, Day-21: Mystique.

Hello and welcome to our February Journaling Challenge. A project hosted by Dolly and myself. Each day during February, we'll post a specifically selected prompt. The only rule: DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING YOU WANT WITH IT. You can do an art journal page, drawing, writing, doodling, poetry, fiction, whatever you want. And here's the prompt of the day: Interpret is however way you like. ******** *sigh* Again, it's one of my prompts ... I truly love the word, how it sounds, what it could stand for ......

Sunday, February 20, 2011

One-Minute-Writer: 2011-07

Monday, February-14: Refrigerator. What (if anything) is hanging on the front of your refrigerator? I'm single with a typical single household. You can be happy to find something in the fridge, let alone something on front of it! Tuesday, February-15: Devil's advocate. Think of an issue about which you feel strongly. Without sarcasm or satire, argue the other side of the issue. In 99,9% I prefer the books to the movies, nothing on screen could ever be so detailed than described in the book or...

FJC, Day-20: Passion.

Hello and welcome to our February Journaling Challenge. A project hosted by Dolly and myself. Each day during February, we'll post a specifically selected prompt. The only rule: DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING YOU WANT WITH IT. You can do an art journal page, drawing, writing, doodling, poetry, fiction, whatever you want. And here's the prompt of the day: PASSION! I love this word. Say it out loud, and even just saying it makes you feel passionate. So write about passion today. ******** Passion is one of...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

FJC, Day-19: Out Of A Dream.

Hello and welcome to our February Journaling Challenge. A project hosted by Dolly and myself. Each day during February, we'll post a specifically selected prompt. The only rule: DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING YOU WANT WITH IT. You can do an art journal page, drawing, writing, doodling, poetry, fiction, whatever you want. And here's the prompt of the day: Whose dream? Well, that's up to you. ********And here's my outcome: Like so very often in my life, I have two sides of the same medal: On the one side,...

Friday, February 18, 2011

FJC, Day-18: Future.

Hello and welcome to our February Journaling Challenge. A project hosted by Dolly and myself. Each day during February, we'll post a specifically selected prompt. The only rule: DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING YOU WANT WITH IT. You can do an art journal page, drawing, writing, doodling, poetry, fiction, whatever you want. And here's the prompt of the day: We journalled about our past, and our present, so now let's look towards the Future. We are the product of experiences of our past, but also of hopes...

Friday-Fill-In: 2011-07

New experiences and possibilities can only be made, when you dare to walk outside your house. Always try to expect an unexpected turn on a daily walk even it's just rain on a sunny day. I'm looking forward to reading the new Black Dagger Brotherhood book released in March. Some experiences in my life became so much different, I could never have imagined. Try to find the trust that your beliefs are unique, your own, even though others may think them odd or unpopular. Even though the heard may go...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

FJC, Day-17: Present.

Hello and welcome to our February Journaling Challenge. A project hosted by Dolly and myself. Each day during February, we'll post a specifically selected prompt. The only rule: DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING YOU WANT WITH IT. You can do an art journal page, drawing, writing, doodling, poetry, fiction, whatever you want. And here's the prompt of the day: After focusing on the Past yesterday, it only makes sense to focus on our Present today. So how is your life today? Do you wish it were any different?...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

WQ-05. Youngest, Oldest Character.

30 Days Of Writing Questions 05. By age, who is your youngest character? Oldest? How about 'youngest' and 'oldest' in terms of when you created them? Our four legged purring companions belong to my favorite writing subjects. So, I would say, my youngest character was a little baby kitten at the age of six or eight weeks. I've published one of those stories here on my blog: 'A Ball Of Yarn'. My oldest character, let me think, I remember writing a little scene of a war camp, where the doctor was...

FJC, Day-16: Past.

Hello and welcome to our February Journaling Challenge. A project hosted by Dolly and myself. Each day during February, we'll post a specifically selected prompt. The only rule: DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING YOU WANT WITH IT. You can do an art journal page, drawing, writing, doodling, poetry, fiction, whatever you want. And here's the prompt of the day: Interpret it however you like. Your past, nation's past, the world's past. Or what about your past lives? Possibilities are endless. Perhaps you want...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wreck This Journal: Stain Log.

This is my Stain ... ah, pardon ... 'Coffee Cup Log'! *ggg* Honestly, the idea of having (more) stain in my journal was ... well ... a bit nasty. Then I saw someone having that 'Pill Log'! This was my inspiration for having a log of my collectibles. Background: With a bristle brush I dabbed pure flake white on the paper to get a wallpaper effect. It's sad you couldn't see that on the picture, it really feels like a rough wallpaper. 32 coffee cup pictures, edited with PhotoShop to get little Polaroids....

FJC, Day-15: Once Upon A Time.

Hello and welcome to our February Journaling Challenge. A project hosted by Dolly and myself. Each day during February, we'll post a specifically selected prompt. The only rule: DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING YOU WANT WITH IT. You can do an art journal page, drawing, writing, doodling, poetry, fiction, whatever you want. And here's the prompt of the day: At a first glance it may seem obvious. What can you write with this prompt besides a fairy tale like story? That's where you think outside the box. Exercise...

Monday, February 14, 2011

FJC, Day-14: Valentine's Day.

Hello and welcome to our February Journaling Challenge. A project hosted by Dolly and myself. Each day during February, we'll post a specifically selected prompt. The only rule: DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING YOU WANT WITH IT. You can do an art journal page, drawing, writing, doodling, poetry, fiction, whatever you want. And here's the prompt of the day: This is always a bit of controversial topic. Some people love it, others hate it. What about you? Use your feelings/memories/ experiences/nightmares about...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

One-Minute-Writer: 2011-06

Monday, February-07: Super bowl. What would need to be in a bowl to make it truly super? The book nerd I am, I would prefer a bowl full of tickets for free books! Yeah, that would be really super! Tuesday, February-08: Advice. Imagine you're an advice columnist. In what area of life do you advise people, and what is your column called? The Room of Doors. I don't give advices, I'd rather like to show possibilities, according to my motto from 'Matrix': »I can only show you the door. You're the...

FJC, Day-13: Greetings From.

Hello and welcome to our February Journaling Challenge. A project hosted by Dolly and myself. Each day during February, we'll post a specifically selected prompt. The only rule: DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING YOU WANT WITH IT. You can do an art journal page, drawing, writing, doodling, poetry, fiction, whatever you want. And here's the prompt of the day: That's it explanations today....use your imagination, and tap into your creativity. I want to see what you make of this. ********And here's my outcome: Greetings...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

FJC, Day-12: Immortality.

Hello and welcome to our February Journaling Challenge. A project hosted by Dolly and myself. Each day during February, we'll post a specifically selected prompt. The only rule: DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING YOU WANT WITH IT. You can do an art journal page, drawing, writing, doodling, poetry, fiction, whatever you want. And here's the prompt of the day: Interpret it anyway you like. Draw something, write something - fictional or non-fiction, paint, paste, collage. Think about your views on immortality. ********And...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday-Fill-In: 2011-06

Family is something you're born in, you can't choose it like your friends or your enemies. Life is like a roller coaster ride, full of ups and downs. Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broken, but you can still see the crack in that m** f**'s reflection (by Lady Gaga). Expect the worst, but hope for the best. Parents are supposed to be there for their children, but sometimes events show you the other, darker side of reality. Nothing but the truth of what was said. And as for the weekend,...

FJC, Day-11: Your 5 Senses.

Hello and welcome to our February Journaling Challenge. A project hosted by Dolly and myself. Each day during February, we'll post a specifically selected prompt. The only rule: DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING YOU WANT WITH IT. You can do an art journal page, drawing, writing, doodling, poetry, fiction, whatever you want. And here's the prompt of the day: So many of us don't use all our senses to its full potential. I certainly don't. So let's all pay attention to our five senses for a few moments. What...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

FJC, Day-10: A Perfect Solitary Day.

Hello and welcome to our February Journaling Challenge. A project hosted by Dolly and myself. Each day during February, we'll post a specifically selected prompt. The only rule: DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING YOU WANT WITH IT. You can do an art journal page, drawing, writing, doodling, poetry, fiction, whatever you want. And here's the prompt of the day: What's your perfect solitary day? Or go wild, and create a fictional one. ********And here's my outcome: Quite a lot of funny, entertaining, relaxing...
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