Monday, October 31, 2011

NaNo Or Not NaNo?

These days when I read my friends' blogs or emails, it's pretty obvious, that I'm not the first to ask myself this question. If you wonder, what the hell I'm talking about, check this out: Last year I did my first NaNo - successfully! It was literally a last minute decision, the circumstances were quite differently back then: I had a fantastic plot idea and NaNo was just perfect to let the story burst out of my head straight into the challenge. If you want to read the whole journey, check these...

Sunday, October 30, 2011

100 Books Make Not A Library...

...but a good start! Some drum rolls please! Here, on this last October weekend I proudly like to announce, that I've done my Reading Challenge 2011 - successfully! As long as I can think (... or let's better say read) I've always been a book worm. When I started this Reading Challenge, I considered 52 books, 1 book per week, doable and realistic, but not a chance for 100 books! Just a few weeks ago, I was halfway through the epic Ulldart series, I doubted - again. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

WQ-22. Never Written Scene(s).

30 Days Of Writing Questions 22. Tell us about one scene between your characters that you’ve never written or told anyone about before! Serious or not. If we speak here of 'Deleted Scenes' or 'Bonus Scenes', then... I mainly write short stories, it's a little difficult to cut out big scenes! And when you add bonus scenes, it's no longer a short story, right? When I think of my one and only existing novel, I'm not yet ready to cut out anything ... I'm still adding and adding. Let's later, much...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wreck This Journal: Document A Boring Event In Detail.

No, I didn't reinvent the wheel ... it's just a detailed report about the most boring speech I've ever been forced to attend ...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Wreck This Journal: Use This As A Test Page.

From various other pages of my WTJ I've picked up here a background, there a material, then some elements, added some glitter, stickers and gemstones ... and here it is: My Test Page Mandala. I've just added layer after layer and now I think, it's finished! *hmm* Somehow I wished to re-do that page ... the initial idea sounded better than the result now is! I'd say, this is my least favorite WTP-pa...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

WQ-21. Character's Children.

30 Days Of Writing Questions 21. Do any of your characters have children? How well do you write them? Strange question. I slowly begin to wonder, who came up with those questions first? Anyway, I'd say this question depends on the point of view. When I think of my main characters, none of them has children or cubs. But my supporting acts has children, like in my 'Voodoo Island' Richard O'Connell has a daughter called Cathryn. Cathryn, who's supposed to be my main character, for her I used...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wreck This Journal: This Space Is Dedicated To Internal Monologue.

"To Wreck Or Not To Wreck, That Is The Questio...

Thursday, October 06, 2011

WQ-20. Favorite Character Interaction.

30 Days Of Writing Questions 20. What are your favorite character interactions to write? THE CLASSICAL POINT OF VIEW My first ideas for character interactions were scenes containing love, romance, conflicts, intrigues, fights, etc. between two or more people. But when I thought about all the various possibilities and the emotions connected with them, I came to the conclusion, that I don't have a favorite interaction ... not in the pretty obvious sense. MY PERSONAL POINT OF VIEW What I really...

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Wreck This Journal: Trace Your Hand.

I knew very early, how I want to design that page ... then finally I felt inspired to finally make it. For the background I used yellow and red 'Strohseide', on a seperate piece of paper I traced my hand and draw the Mehndi with a brown Stabilo pen. Add some shadows and ribbons ... and that's it! Originally I also wanted to add some gemstones, but for my taste it would have been to much! Hope you like it?!? P.S. I tried to find out, what's the correct English term for 'Strohseide', word by word...
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