Thursday, March 31, 2011

Writing Exercise 14: Metaphors

THE CHALLENGELet's talk today about metaphors, analogies, comparisons, etc., that could enhance a text and make it more interesting. Of course, 'exhausted' metaphors could make your text sound stereotyped and trite. There are so many metaphors, we've heard so very often, that while reading we don't think about them anymore. You should be really careful with using boring metaphors, because they might just blow up your text with useless bla bla. For example: 'He broke her heart.' In most of the...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

WQ-11. Most & Least Favorite Character.

30 Days Of Writing Questions 11. Who is your favorite character to write? Least favorite? The answer to that question would have been much easier, if you'd asked about characters created by other authors! For instance in the BDB series by J.R. Ward in a flick of a second I just name Rhage (Yeah!) and Lash (Boo!). *g* But that wasn't the question, right? *sigh* Okay, I can only speak for myself, but I can hardly imagine, that there are authors out there, who truly hate their creatures. Sure...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wreck This Journal: Glue Random Items Here.

Well, honestly I don't like to pick up things from the streets (that's what the instruction demanded), and the only things I find in my couch (alternative places to search for the items) are cats hair! So, what won't people do for the sake of art ... I 'sacrificed' myself to eat various little bars of chocolate *yummy* in order to cover the background and make some Origami with the wrappings! ;-) Thanks to: Origami Club Origami Resource Center Left page: Crane, Moneygami Heart, Goldfish Right...

Monday, March 28, 2011

April A-Z Challenge.

Well, it slowly appears to me, that this year 2011 is becoming my year of the challenges. In February we had the February Journaling Challenge, hosted by Dolly and myself. A couple of days ago Carol's blogpost draw my attention to: Some of you might remember FJC, Day-09: I Am... A-Z. I LOVE those ABC lists. They are a great for training your brain and a wonderful source for inspiration. You might imagine, that I instantly caught fire for that new Blog Challenge! But our own challenge had taught...

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Quiz: Book Meme.

That seems to be one of those chain quizzes. I got it from Carol, who got it from Benjamin. I wonder, who's gonna continue the chain? 1. Hardback, trade paperback or mass market paperback?What? My dictionary agreed: What? I had to consult Carol ... thanks for answering my questions so patiently! Now I know the differences, I'm not quite sure, if there are German equivalents; maybe I shall ask the next time I'm in my favorite book store?! I'm losing track, focus! Anyway, the answer...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday-Fill-In: 2011-12

Why does it always take so long, when you're anticipating something so dearly? Me(Sleep + Eat + Read) is equal my perfect solitary day. My favorite breakfast includes a buffet, where I can pick up whatever I hungry for at that moment. 'Lover Mine' by J.R. Ward was the last book I read, where I can't wait for the next book in the series (Countdown has begun!). I am SO glad that spring is finally here! The breakfast buffet from No. 3 would make me feel better right now. And as for the weekend, tonight...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

WQ-10. Really Weird Situations.

30 Days Of Writing Questions 10. What are some really weird situations your characters have been in? "Something weird is going to happen, I don't mean normal weird, I mean really weird!" Is that so? Weirdness is relative, isn't it? Meeting a green alien in a space opera wouldn't be weird, but meeting one in a historic medieval village would be a whole different thing, right? When I think of my written stories, there's nothing really weird happening in them. Fortunately, I also keep a dream...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wreck This Journal: This Page Is A Sign. What Do You Want It To Say?

Well, for this page I used my most favorite quote, which is also my personal motto: Destiny determined the time,coincidence determined the place,and I was at the right place on the right time. Some of you, who'd followed my way through the 'February Journaling Challenge', already know that page. I've used it as inspiration for Day-25: Quo...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Writing Exercise 13: Retarding Moment For More Tension.

It's been a while since I've done my last exercise. Well, you have to be inspired to write something and I ... simply wasn't! *sigh* Anyway, I guess, now I think I've found at least some sparkle for that new task! THE CHALLENGEMaking a story more exciting can be very challenging. Maybe you have to completely rewrite the story to get something like an arc of suspense. When do you consider something 'exciting'? Well, maybe we should have a look on something boring and try to find something to make...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday-Fill-In: 2011-11

I love to go to my favorite bookstore, because I love the peaceful atmosphere, the smell fresh coffee and the feeling of a new book in my hands... I can be there for hours. Don't think about how less or little you can do for your planet, please just do it, the only thing really matters it's the quality! The last thing I had to eat was a wonderful tasty piece of chocolate. Energy produced by nuclear power plants is no longer essential. Please take a moment to think over what you can do for environmental...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

WQ-09. Creating Characters.

30 Days Of Writing Questions 09. How do you get ideas for your characters? Describe the process of creating them. I haven't created so many characters yet, so it's hard to say if there's any method in doing what I do. But as far as I can define, here are my steps: The story. I've heard from some other authors, where the character(s) came first into their mind and then they developed a plot around him/her/them. Until now I haven't experienced that. A storyline or plot idea was always the initial...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wreck This Journal: Write Or Draw With Your Left Hand.

With the original before my very eyes, quick and easy: Some uncontrolled dabbing and wild strokes ... and voila, in about 20 minutes you have a Monet-ish left-hand drawi...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thank You Ladies.

This page is dedicated to three lovely ladies. Their wonderful birthday gifts inspired me to make that page: Sandra: Wrapping paper for the background, the heart-with-tulip-template and a sticker. Stefanie: One of the short stories out of the book 'Vitamine für die Seele' (Vitamins For The Soul) by Norbert Lechleitner. Vivian: 3D-Card, stamps, paper and fishes from the 'Ang Pows'. Thanks a lot. I love you a...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

WQ-08. Favorite Genre.

30 Days Of Writing Questions 08. What’s your favorite genre to write? To read? "You write what you read."I can't remember where I've read that sentence, but I would say in my case it suits very well... CATS I'll start with that, because the first story I remember writing was about a cat prince. Every kid likes fairy tales, myself included, so of course I liked Puss In Boots a lot. Years later I was very impressed by a criminal story called Felidae by Akif Pirincci. There was a time, when I...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday-Fill-In: 2011-10

Oh gross! I thought it was a still drinkable milk. Becoming a famous hotelier or diplomat, well THAT's off my bucket list! No, thanks, I don't want to have the winter back. Books, sunshine, chocolate and some sleep are my very personal day off heart and soul. And then I woke up and had to realize that those wonderful pictures were just a dream. I can't forget the amazing feeling the first time I've ridden a heavy motor bike! And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to finish my current...

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

1st Anniversary. 7 Links Challenge.

As you might have discovered, my little blog here just got a new outfit. When I searched last year for a suitable template, it was really difficult to find the right one, because it should be simple and elegant at the same time. And now it was perfectly at the right place, on the right time! It's not perfect yet, but I work on it. I know some basic HTML, so I could already change some things. And for the others I asked for some advice. Or maybe anyone of you could help me?!? One reason for a new...

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Wreck This Journal: Make A Funnel. Drink Some Water.

Well, I don't know what to say about this page, therefore only some words about the material: I used the sponge-dabbing-technique for the back-ground and outlined the bricks with thick gray color. Left page: The lion gargoyle is a picture, printed on thick paper, cut out and glued in with some separators. The water is made of raffia (bast). Right page: Again some raffia (bast) and a little ivy twig. It's hard to recognize on the picture, but I covered the funnel with marble structured paper. That's...

Monday, March 07, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

Some drum rolls please: I've been given my first award! THANKS DOLLY over at JOURNAL ADDICT! Here's what you gotta do:Thanks and link back to the blogger who passed this award onto you. Share 7 things about yourself. Award other recently discovered great bloggers. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award. 7 things about myself:I came late to my very first date in life. Instead on the predicted day I waited until my mother went to a hair dresser, which I obviously didn't like back then...

Sunday, March 06, 2011

FJC, Epilogue.

Can you believe that February is already over? I can't! It seems like only yesterday, that Dolly and I had talked the first time about the challenge ... and now it's over! Time has passed so fast. You know, I'm a very visual person. Quite from the beginning I wanted to have something graphical in every challenge post. Finally I came up with the idea to give every prompt a little visual touch. I love fonts. I'm obsessed with fonts. I have A LOT of fonts installed on my computer. So, my first task...

Friday, March 04, 2011

Friday-Fill-In: 2011-09

Bring your favorite music to the party. Drinks and snacks are included. A lot of good mood is exactly what we need. Well, you see, we gonna have lots of fun! Sunday is soon! But what if ... ah, ah, no 'what if' allowed! And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to continue with LotR, tomorrow my plans include *sigh* some boring housework and Sunday, I want to have just a good time with my friends celebrating my birthda...

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

WQ-07. Writing Soundtrack.

30 Days Of Writing Questions 07. Do you listen to music while you write? What kind? Are there any songs you like to relate/apply to your characters? I remember my teenage days, laying on the ground not only surrounded by books, pens and paper, but also by deafening loud music. I needed the music, without I simply couldn't concentrate on doing my homework. Some habits stay. It's hard to imagine myself leaving the house without my MP3-Player, music is with me just like my keys or my wallet. Some...

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Wreck This Journal: Write Carelessly. Now.

The German instruction "Schreib einfach drauf los. Jetzt." translated would be "Simply start writing. Now." It's a bit different from the original one, isn't it? From the moment on I was asked if I would like to write something about WTJ I knew, that this article suits perfectly on that page. My guest post was published 16. September 2010 on the German WTJ-page. It's written in German, but I decided to publish the English version of that little fairy tale (in the picture, the handwritten part)...
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