Sunday, January 30, 2011

One-Minute-Writer: 2011-04

Monday, January-24: Adventure. Is there an adventure or exploration you'd be willing to risk your life to pursue?  Remembering the crew of the NASA space shuttle Challenger. 1/28 will be the 25th anniversary of that disaster. I'm an adventurer, I'd simply love to explore the exotic places on our earth and if there is the possibility to participate on a 'Star Trek', be sure, I'll be one of the first volunteers! BUT I'm also a person, who likes to plan everything in advance, to know as much...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday-Fill-In: 2011-04

Up and away, straight towards the sun. In my head, a lot of fluttery thoughts are going around. Coats and scarves, mittens and boots: Strange, but interesting, how you describe your cat's fur! (I refuse to think on the winter!!) Darling, would you please give me a nice back rub? I'm thinking about ... still the nice back rub! Just be yourself. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to some nice Italian food, tomorrow my plans include a nice back rub? and Sunday, I want to write a...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Meet A Journal Keeper

When the energy of your New Year's Resolutions is still vividly running in your veins, then it's the best time to put another 'DONE' on your list, right? In my case it's my contribution to Dolly's guest post series: Meet A Journal Keeper. I've never been the classical daily journaler, you might better entitle me as 'Special Event Journaler'. TRAVEL JOURNALSThe best thing about traveling - I think, we don't have to discuss that - is for sure the journey itself! The second best, at least in my case,...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

WQ-02. Characters.

30 Days Of Writing Questions 02. How many characters do you have? Do you prefer males or females? I would lapidary say, every story has exactly the right number of male and female characters as it demands! Okay, I see, I can't get away here that cheap ... I might be a little biased, because of my current female main character, but it's quite true, I prefer writing about women. My Cathryn is a strong, independent, young woman, of course also with quite some flaws. She has to find her way in...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wreck This Journal: Rub Here With Dirt.

Well, the German edition doesn't have a "Stand-Here"-Page, but I liked the idea of having some footprints somewhere. So, I combined those two! *g* For the background I rubbed with grass and - thanks to the rain these days - it was easy to find a dirty puddle for my sho...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

One-Minute-Writer: 2011-03

Monday, January-17: Decade. Think back to the years 2001 through 2010. Give that decade a name ("The ______ Decade".) "The Roller Coaster Ride Decade". Full of emotional highs and lows, health and illness, life and death, success and failure ... I guess, that's what life is all about. Always. Let's continue the ride for another round. Tuesday, January-18: Make. Complete this thought: Today I want to make.... Today I want to make some pasta and a nice salad for dinner. Wednesday, January-19:...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday-Fill-In: 2011-03

So many of us just fulfill everybody's expectations, never discover their real potential talents and wonder, why they don't feel happy. You can learn something out of every situation, even in hardship how NOT to do it again. Those who are accepting of their age, that they are too old to discover something new, are truly already dead. In front of a mouse hole the little cat is waiting quietly. Light is in both the good and the bad, but only in different grades. It depends on the view, if you think...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

WQ-01. Favorite Writing Project.

With my New Year's Resolutions in mind I keep my eyes open to possible themes. Carol's question series is simply perfect to offer you some variety on my blog and still write about writing. So, today starts my weekly series: 30 Days Of Writing Questions 01. Tell us about your favorite writing project/ universe that you’ve worked with and why. *hmm* When I hear writing 'universe' I have to think on J.R.R. Tolkien. He truly created a whole new world with different races, their history and languages....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wreck This Journal: Doodle Over Top Of.

Well, just some doodles: Flowers, leaves and - my very favorite obsessed theme - eyes: tiger, giraffe, wolf, eagle and cat. I used red chalk ("Rötelkreide"), white for the highlights and black for the outlines. That's all! ...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

One-Minute-Writer: 2011-02

Monday, January-10: Number. Write about a number that's important to you, and why. I would say, '2' is simply a part of me and my personality. First, my zodiac is Pisces, 2 fishes. Then I always see both of the 2 sides of a medal, even if my own opinion is clear. My whole life I constantly feel, that there are 2 souls living in my breast. Tuesday, January-11: Like. Complete this thought: It's hard to believe that I used to like... It's hard to believe that I used to like ... oh, do I really have...

February Journaling Challenge

I have some exciting news. My good friend, Dolly and I have decided to do a February Journaling Challenge. We hope you will join us, and participate. RULEJournaling is not about rules, so we have kept that to minimum with only one rule: All you have to do is follow a daily prompt, and do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING YOU WANT WITH IT. You can do an art journal page, drawing, writing, doodling, poetry, fiction, whatever you want. We have specifically selected prompts that could be used in a variety of ways,...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday-Fill-In: 2011-02

Right now I need some sun would be nice. A nice Indian chai is what's in my glass. A copy of this letter (if it's a digital one) will land in my archive. Yummy Nutella is best with a spoon. The best movie I've seen lately is 'Inception'. We normally can choose what we like; but we're totally helpless with the one we love. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the end of the day (it's still early afternoon), tomorrow my plans include making the visual prompts for our 'February...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wreck This Journal: Throw Something.

Finally, I was in the mood and brave enough to do this page ... and I followed exactly the instructions! :-) I used two balls (1 of the size of a fist and 1 golf ball size) and a thick marking pen. I dripped some coating paint (2 blue, 2 red, black, white) on a plate, rolled the ball and dipped the pen in the color and let them fall on the page. For the yellow I used a bristle brush loaded with color and made vivid hand moves over the page - let's call this free-style! Oh, and a lot of newspaper...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Quiz: The List Of Fours

to Carol's Blog: Random Writings 1. Four shows that you watch:CSI. Does that count as 1 or 3? Lie To Me. NCIS LA. Is that much difference to NCIS? The Mentalist. I guess, my affection and preferences are quite clear, aren't they? 2. Four things you are passionate about:Reading. Shah Rukh Khan and India. Writing. Curiosity. 3. Four phrases/words you say a lot:Why...? How...? What...? Who...? ...or any other question! It depends on ... Fascinating! I'll shear you! ...regularly said...

Sunday, January 09, 2011

One-Minute-Writer: 2011-01

Monday, January-03: Resolution. Do you make New Year's Resolutions? Why or why not? I simply don't make anything, that I don't intent to keep. If I want something peculiar, I set goals and make plans to achieve them ... BUT this year I'd like to make an exception, I'd made some Writing-Reading-Designing-Art-NYR! Have a look: Goodbye 2010. Welcome 2011. Tuesday, January-04: Party. You're going to create a new political party. Name it, and come up with a slogan to describe what the party stands...

Friday, January 07, 2011

Friday-Fill-In: 2011-01

It's 2011; I can't wait to get rid of that damn snow. For a 'Bavarian Sausage Salad' you need sausages, onions, cheese and pickles. Thankfully I have my this year's goals for writing and reading set. Now it's time to start. Still dreaming of things and making plans to achieve them are the best things in life. I am so proud of what I've achieved last year in terms of writing and art. A bowl of fresh exotic fruits would be absolutely perfect right now. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking...

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Wreck This Journal: Create A Nonstop Line.

Well, I've already done an easy nonstop line here: WTJ: Tie A String To The Spine Of This Book. Swing Wildly. Let It Hit The Walls. So, this time I wanted something more 'sophisticated'! First, I intended to draw everything, but this outline-cord never looked right, that's why I came up with some more 3D-stuff. Used cords, ribbons, felt-hearts, wooden birds and separate writing! I must have been mad! *sigh* Finally, I made it! ... and I'll never be able to close the journal properly again! ;-) EDIT: Have...

Monday, January 03, 2011

2011 Reading Challenge

'In the case of good books,the point is not how manyof them you can get through,but rather how many canget through to you.'Mortimer Adler Well, Mr. Adler, you might be right, but when you join in Dolly's Reading Challenge, then the amount of books does count, too! I decided to start with 52 books and see how everything develops. BOOK LIST 2011Long Way Round - Ewan McGregor, Charley Boorman Never Ending Story - Michael Ende Twilight Saga: Twilight - Stephenie Meyer Twilight Saga: Midnight Sun -...

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Goodbye 2010. Welcome 2011.

For the last few days of 2010 I decided to quit all my regular blogging activities ... instead I used the short break to think a little. The artist in me is quite proud and delighted, what I've started and achieved in the previous twelve months, but of course, as usual not everything went well and there is potential for improvements. So, let's see, where I've come from and where the artistic road may take me in 2011. BLOGIn March I came to the conclusion, that "a blog is quite the right platform...
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