Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Glue A Random Page From A Newspaper Here.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") Well, this is kind of a mixed-media-chaos-collage of different riddles (out of newspapers!). I used watercolors (background, writing), soft pastel chalks (lines), glitter glue, ink (handwriting) and some golden stickers. Voila: A big mish-ma...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

To all those wonderful people out there: May joy and happiness snow on you, may the bells jingle for you and may Santa be extra good to you!  Merry Christmas! --- Maybe some of you can remember, where I got the inspiration for my this year's Christmas cards. It came right form my 'Wreck This Journal': Find A Way To Wear The Journal. Working with the rhinestones is a little delicate, but the outcome is just gorgeous. Have a look! The outside:Cut out a piece of paper, a little smaller than...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

One-Minute-Writer: Week 50 & 51

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, December-13: Decoration. Write about a holiday decoration that holds particular meaning for you. I have two little, very neat holders for tea candles. I bought one, the other my Mom at the Christmas market in Salzburg/Austria three years ago. The last one before she died, so these two objects are very precious for me. Tuesday, December-14: Holiday. It's your job to create a new holiday, one that will be observed worldwide. What...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday-Fill-In: #204

(Note: Thanks to "Friday Fill-Ins") What in the world am I doing here to start a new series? Having my Christmas meal in mind, I hope afterwards everybody is well fed. Go away, snow! Almost all my Christmas presents and cards are sent and I hope they receive on time. I keep dreaming of a green Christmas under palm trees. This is my first Friday-Fill-In, believe it or not. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to continue reading my BDB-book, tomorrow my plans include shoveling snow...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Glue In A Page From A Magazine. Circle The Words You Like.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") The article, published in ISHQ Magazin 03/2008, was about the actor Shah Rukh Khan visiting the "Berlinale Film Festival", the bear is the festival mascot. My first try doing something like Art Journaling. For the background: Dabbing with a natural sponge and 3 colors. I used some embroideries/borders as a pattern and again dabbing with the sponge and the darkest of the 3 colo...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

One-Minute-Writer: Week 49

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, December-06: Book. Write about a book you were given as a gift, or a book you gave as a gift. You don't have coincidentally the inspiration for this prompt from my Saturday's post?!? Anyway, besides 'Der Trotzkopf' (The stubborn) there were a lot of other books I connect with precious memories, like the Duden Encyclopedia and World History For Children, both gifts from my Grandpa. I wasn't only a stubborn but also a very curious...

Sunday, December 05, 2010

One-Minute-Writer: Week 48

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, November-29: Math. Come up with a mathematical formula to express something you know/believe. Example: Long Saturday run + Frappuccino = Happiness. 1. Nov-30 + 50.000 words = NaNo Winner 2. Me = Nov-30 + 50.000 words 3. Me = NaNo Winner?! Tuesday, November-30: Recover. Write about a time you recovered from something...or recovered something. From tomorrow on I won't touch my NaNo-novel! My eyes are almost blind from staring...

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Writing Exercise 12: I, You, He, She, It - Perspectives

(Note: This is a unit of "Schreibaufgabe.de") THE CHALLENGE Talking about 'perspectives' means from which point of view your reader experiences the story. Imagine the following situation: "Three persons are somewhere in the wilderness sitting around a campfire. They'd been walking all day long and the next day is going to be similarly exhausting. They've just finished their meal and are now sharing a joint." Try different, maybe unusual, perspectives: Describe the scene from the point of view of...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Official NaNo Winner

Close, but enough with 50.131 words! --- Happy accident!!! This is my 100th post! *big-smil...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

One-Minute-Writer: Week 47

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, November-22: Paycheck. What do you love doing that you wish you could get paid for? Obviously I'm not the only one, who wants to be paid for writing! But this also includes the pressure to deliver something that is worth being paid for. What about getting paid for sleeping? I'm do it regularly 8 hours a night, I don't mind overtime with a little nap. And during the day, I can be productive and creative and professional with no...

Week Four With NaNo

I made a little NaNo-writing-break ... to write. How crazy is that? One last note about my accident. On Tuesday I received an email from NaNo-Tech-Support, that they *quote* don't save any backups of any files that are uploaded *end-quote*. It doesn't matter anymore, I'm at peace with that ... in the meantime I've re-typed all the missing parts. I won't say, that it's better, but anyway I typed more words than I had before! And it's all about words in NaNo, isn't it? Okay, countdown for NaNo has...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Pour, Spill, Drip, Spit, Fling Your Coffee Here.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") 1. A layer of filter bags covers all the holes from the "Burn-Page" on the left and the "Poke-Holes-Page" on the right. 2. Left page: I glued the sketched lines and covered the page with ground coffee (coffee powder). After removing the surplus powder I was truly surprised how good everything is readable. 3. Right page: I went for a cup of Latte Macchiato in my favorite cafe. Maybe I should have ordered something darker! Oh, and btw: *sniff-sniff*...

Monday, November 22, 2010

NaNo, Lucky Number 3?

I don't think so! Third NaNo-week started with a blast, with one of writer's worst case scenario. Instead of reaching the magical margin of 25.000 words, my computer made a funny thing and killed my precious NaNo-word-document! *sniff* I can't believe it! God damn it! How could that happen??? Well, I'd had a back-up, but only from Friday ... the whole hard work of the weekend gone! Almost 6.000 words! LOST!!! How could the world be so cruel!?!?!?! Okay, that's maybe better than losing everything,...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

One-Minute-Writer: Week 46

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, November-15: Cake. Write for a minute using this prompt: piece of cake. Piece of chocolate cake, piece of strawberry cake, piece of Black Forest cake, piece of Vienna Sacher cake, piece of apple cake, piece of ... Sorry, I have to go to the pastry shop. NOW! Tuesday, November-16: Broke. Write about a time you broke something. I would prefer to blame my computer, that broke something!!! *howl* Instead of reaching the magical...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Draw With Glue.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") I'd picked up the idea with the skull from another WTJ-page here on flickr and made my own version. With the result of a total glitter glue overkill! *g* Steps: 1. I made the outlines with a black pen and used black (and some yellow) watercolor for the background, let everything completely dry. 2. Then I began with the silver glitter glue on the background, used my finger to dispense the glue regularly, let everything completely dry. 3. Doing...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Week Two With NaNo

On my honor, I've never consumed any illegal drugs in my whole life. But I'd made the acquaintance with a little hangover after consuming a little too much alcohol. You know, as long as you party, you feel so brilliant, everything is so amazing, you are the queen of the night ... but then the other morning, when adrenaline and euphoria are gone, you feel weird. You are much too tired, because you haven't gained enough sleep. Your head feels alien like, not belonging to the rest of your body. Your...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

One-Minute-Writer: Week 45

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, November-08: Who. Who are you? I am the image of a person, that you can see from the outside. I am the figure of a personality, that you combine from my point of views, my interests, all the things you know from me or believe to know. But is that really ME? I don't think so! I myself am not always quite sure Who I am, how should anybody else can? I am what I am, sometimes more, sometimes less, but always a unique me! Tuesday,...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Drip Something Here. Close The Book To Make A Print.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") Intentionally it was supposed to become the classical butterfly ... well, obviously the paint didn't exactly behave like it should have. Anyway, I like the colo...

Monday, November 08, 2010

The First Week With NaNo

All right, here we are, the first week of NaNo Writing Month is over. Let's make a short pause and muse a little over my experiences. Sunday night count said 9.983 words. Sounds quite good, don't you think so, too? It's a 1/5 of the required total sum. But a 1/4 of the time has already passed ... ah, you might have guessed the problem?! My start was quite slow, but I gained some speed until Thursday. Then I came to a particular scene. I could see it happen straight in front of my eyes, but I...

Sunday, November 07, 2010

One-Minute-Writer: Week 44

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, November-01: Trick or treat. A day late... What was one of your favorite treats as a kid? Or: Write about a trick you played when you were a kid. My Mom was a fabulous cook, her pastry and cakes and cookies made you lick all your fingers. It's hard to choose just one, because everything was so delicious. Thinking of coming Christmas time, I'll truly miss her Christmas cookies. There were filled gingerbread and rum-coconut-cubes...

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Find A Way To Wear The Journal.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") Obviously I made it the other way round: I dressed the journal! ;-) Well, I have two left hands when it comes to sewing - so I cheated a bit. I made a paper shirt and glued the green fabric on the pattern. On top some glitter stones - Done! ...

Monday, November 01, 2010

NaNo Writing Month

There wasn't any full moon I could blame. Maybe I was still disorientated because of the time switch. Last night I was completely demented, totally mad, absolutely out of my senses ... I've registered for NaNo Writing Challenge!!! OMG, what have I done?!?! You know, it's one thing to write on several projects without any pressure or special purpose. If you write it will be fine, if you don't write it will be fine, too. But it's a whole different thing, when you sign in for a challenge, where...

Sunday, October 31, 2010

One-Minute-Writer: Week 43

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, October-25: PR. Athletes are often chasing their next "PR" (Personal Record--e.g., that athlete's fastest marathon time.) What PR would you like to chase (athletic or otherwise)? I'd like to participate on the NaNo Writing Challenge coming in November. So, please, let me reach the demanded 50.000 words mark! Tuesday, October-26: Star. Finish this old rhyme with your own version of the last line: Star light, star bright, First...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Writing Exercise 11: Sources For Ideas

(Note: This is a unit of "Schreibaufgabe.de") THE CHALLENGE Sometimes, life writes the best stories. Stories, where you think: "Well, I've never thought of THAT!" Newspapers are full of those little stories. They might not be global and spectacular, but perfectly for short stories. Like this one on the left side: "Woman survives parachute falling" Read the article, and imagine you are the woman. You've just hit on the street, your arm is broken, your leg, too. In the distance you might hear the...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Doodle Over Top Of This Page And In The Margins.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") This page is dedicated to the titular saint of my online avatar: Nofretiri AKA Nefertari, first wife of the great Pharaoh Ramses II. The hieroglyphs are copies from her tomb in the Valley of the Queens, with the only difference that the originals are much more beautiful, because they are fully colored! I used ink for the hieroglyphs - and btw: ink is an awful material to use on that pages - and soft pastel chalks for the backgrou...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

One-Minute-Writer: Week 42

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, October-18: Wrong. Look around you right now. What's wrong with this picture? It's already dark ... *sigh* ... I miss the summer and days with light evenings, sitting outside, enjoying the warmth, together with some friends, a cool drink and a nice barbecue! Tuesday, October-19: Ghostwriter. If you could be a ghostwriter (writing someone else's autobiography for them), for whom would you ghostwrite? *hmm* It already exists a...

Friday, October 22, 2010

My Writing Journey

(Note: This is my contribution to Dolly's guest post series.) I'm an owl. I like the night. Nights are quite and peaceful. During these late night hours my brain seems to be the most productive. I'm a bit nervous about that interview thing, so my dear friend Dolly had friendly agreed to do it on my terms. On a Friday night, about 11 p.m. Dolly enters the door to my private Room of Requirement. It seems to be a library, because of all the book shelves. To our right a huge glass front opens an amazing...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Write One Word Over And Over.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") ...with a little help from TTF! ;-) Used fonts (in alphabetical order): 101 Zebra Print, BD Renaissance, Bumbazoid, Carnivale, CrazyZoo, Christmas Lights Outdoor, DirtyBaker'sDozen, Fiolex Girls, Fish in the bathroom, LoopDeLoop, Mutlu, Never Writes Back, Olde English, OrnaMental, Prakrta, Romantic, Stiletto, Tolo ... and my own handwriting. Plus one passion-KAN...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

One-Minute-Writer: Week 41

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, October-11: Discovery. Write about a good discovery you've made (big or small!) Myself. It's surprising, what sometimes my body is capable of. It's amazing, which hidden talents suddenly break free. It's interesting, what different topics I'm obviously interested in. I'm the biggest quest for myself, to discover all the unknown sides of me. Okay, these discoveries are not all the time 'good', but always exciting! Tuesday, October-12:...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wreck This Journal: Press Leaves And Other Found Things.

(Note: Taken from my Edition of "Wreck This Journal") *hmm* What to say about this page??? 1. The oval with the quote is made on computer, printed out and glued on the page. And btw, the quote is: I look upon life as a book,and the people I love are like rose petalskept in between the pages.Each time I turn a page of my life,I find a rose petal, reminding me of beautiful moments.2. Another job for glue-impregnation. Covered the whole page with glue to protect the pages and conserve everything. 3....

Sunday, October 10, 2010

One-Minute-Writer: Week 40

(Note: These are writing prompts of "One-Minute-Writer-Blog") Monday, October-04: Campfire. Write about a memory you have related to a campfire. (If you don't have any such memories, write about any fire-related memory.) I had completely forgotten that episode *lol*: Imagine four saucy teenage girls, a meadow at the gates of a little village and a tent. OMG, we hadn't had a glue of how to camp or how to light a campfire, but we were young, independent, full of energy ... and had a blast of a time! Tuesday,...

Friday, October 08, 2010

Writing Exercise 10: Plot Of Plots - A Hero's Journey, Part 2

(Note: This is a unit of "Schreibaufgabe.de") THE CHALLENGE Let's continue the journey with steps 7 to 12. Remember the 3 options for each step. MY OUTCOME Again, I stuck with Corin's story and ignored the 3 options: 7. The heroine meets the enemies' helper and has to defeat them. Circumstances make Corin believe, that the mistress's daughter is her enemy, too. Accidentally she gets a letter of her in her hands. The analphabetic Corin of the past remembers the reading skills of her future self...
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